BlueCielo Meridian Global Collaboration Framework 2012 SP3 Release Notes | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: What's new in GCF 2012 SP3 > Upgrading to GCF/Project Portal 2012 SP3

Upgrading to GCF/Project Portal 2012 SP3

To upgrade to GCF/Project Portal 2012 SP3:

  1. Update the Meridian Project Portal processors in C:\GCF\Kronodoc\Processors from \GCF2012 SP3\Project Portal\Processors\Install Files.
  2. Update Meridian processors in C:\GCF\Meridian\Processors from \GCF2012 SP3\Meridian\Processors\Install Files.
  3. Update the web service in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\GCFRemoteWS\bin from \GCF2012 SP3\Project Portal\GCF Remote Access Web Service\Install Files.
  4. Register the extensions:

  1. Modify the command file GCFUpdateTransfers.cmd in \GCF2012 SP3\Project Portal\SqlCmd\1.Update to SP2 hotfixes 5\ to match your SQL Server instance name and database name and run the command file.
  2. Modify the command file createFolders.cmd in \GCF2012 SP3\Project Portal\SqlCmd\2.Update SP2 to SP3\ to match your SQL Server instance name and database name and run the command file.

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